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WJV01133 Smith & Forrest Rectangular Tank Wagon

WJV01134 Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Tar Tank Wagon SOLD OUT

WJV01135 Shell/BP Rectangular Tank Wagon

WJV01136 ICI Rectangular Tank Wagon-SOLD OUT

WJV01137 GWR Rectangular Tank Wagon

WJV01138 WD Bitumen Rectangular Tank Wagon –SOLD OUT
Rectangular Tar Tank Wagons

£48.00 each plus P&P

Brand new for 2021 these characterful wagons evoke memories of the vintage models produced in the past by Mills Brothers (Milbro) and Leeds Model Company (LMC). They will make an excellent addition to your goods rake and with insulated wheels are suitable for 2- or 3-rail operation.

WJV01133 Smith & Forrest Rectangular Tank Wagon


WJV01134 Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Tar Tank Wagon SOLD OUT


WJV01135 Shell/BP Rectangular Tank Wagon


WJV01136 ICI Rectangular Tank Wagon-SOLD OUT


WJV01137 GWR Rectangular Tank Wagon


WJV01138 WD Bitumen Rectangular Tank Wagon –SOLD OUT


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Historical notes

Rectangular tar tank wagons were first introduced around 1885 and they remained in production until as late as 1946, although most production ceased during the late 1920s as cylindrical tanks became more popular. They were used primarily for the transportation of tar, pitch and heavy oils and, as such were an important part of the railway goods scene, and a reasonably common sight across the entire country, especially during the pre-war years.


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